Membership in the South Carolina Infectious Diseases Society shall be limited to persons holding the degree of Doctor of Medicine (M.D.) or its equivalent (for example, D.O. or M.B.) who have received at least one year of formal training in Infectious Diseases beyond residency training, or who have demonstrated substantial interest and scholarship in Infectious Diseases by such criteria as may be determined by the Executive Committee.

Nominations for membership and secondings for nomination may be made by any regular member in good standing.

Members shall be elected by two-thirds majority vote of the Executive Committee.

Grounds for expulsion from membership shall include non-payment of dues for a period of six months, after two (2) written notices; failure to attend any of the three consecutive annual meetings of the Society; or violation of a principle of medical ethics.


An annual meeting shall be held for the purpose of conducting a scientific program, addressing such issues as may have come to the attention of the Society, and the election of officers.

The scheduling of additional meetings, and the possibility of holding joint meetings with other organizations, shall be at the discretion of the Society.


Dues shall be determined by the Executive Committee and be payable to the Secretary-Treasurer at the beginning of the fiscal year.


Section A – Officers

Officers of the Society shall consist of a President, a President-elect, a Secretary-Treasurer, and five (5) Councillors.

The President, President-elect, and Secretary-Treasurer shall be elected by majority vote of members present at the annual meeting. The President and President-elect shall serve one-year terms of office, and the Secretary-Treasurer shall serve a two-year term of office.

The infectious disease program director or his/her delegate at each of the state’s medical schools shall serve as a non-elected Councillor on a permanent basis.

One Councillor shall be elected or chosen from among the Society’s members from each of the three geographic regions of South Carolina, as commonly defined: Costal (low country); Midlands and the Pee Dee; and Piedmont (up country). These three Councillors shall serve two-year terms of office.

Nominations for officers can be made by writing the Secretary-Treasurer prior to the annual meeting, in which case such nominations shall be taken into consideration by the Nominating Committee. Nominations can also be made during the annual meeting; in which case such nominations shall be added to those made by the Nominating Committee for purposes of election by the members present.


  • Executive Committee – This Committee shall consist of the officers and the chairman of the Program Committee.
  • Nominating Committee – The President shall appoint a Nominating Committee prior to the annual meeting for the purpose of nominating officers of the Society.
  • Program Committee – The Executive Committee shall appoint a Program Chairman each year, who will then determine a Program Committee at his/her discretion.
  • Special Projects Committees – Such Committees shall be created at the annual meeting by majority vote. The need for continued existence of such committees shall be reviewed each year at the annual meeting.


These By-Laws may be modified by two-thirds vote of the membership of the Society at the annual meeting or by a mail ballot, provided that proposed modifications have been presented in writing to the entire membership at least thirty (30) days prior to the voting.